Wednesday, May 6, 2015





In Depth: May is Lyme Disease Awareness Month
By Daneille Gray Snowden
"Just recently, my family and I were out and about when suddenly, a deep sinking feeling fell heavily ... "  CLICK  LINK HERE


May 4-31, 2015
All Avon online purchases will be shipped directly to your home and the best part is they will benefit the Snowden family. Pastor Brad Snowden is suffering with Chronic Lyme disease, Babesia & Bartonella. Most integrative care is out of pocket and cost hundreds to thousands of dollars. Pastor Brad is in a wheel chair and cannot work; yet he pastors a small church faithfully. He also has a family to care for.
With that in mind, AVON has a #1 selling bug repellent in the world. Our bug guard is not only DEET FREE but it may help prevent Lyme disease and West Nile by repelling mosquitoes, ticks, flies, and those pesky gnats. It is offered with or without SPF and is water resistant. By clicking the link you can purchase our top selling bug guard along with all of Avon's products and help a family in need at the same time.  [CLICK]

In regards to Pastor Brad Snowden who is suffering with Chronic Lyme, Babesia & Bartonella; and for the thousands who silently suffer wondering if anyone hears.
Objective:*Bring awareness to our own communities of the veracity of Lyme's & it's Co-Infections.
*For fellow patients to encourage one another, as you feel alone.
*To help get litigation so we can attain funding for more research.
* Knowledge to our medical community who's response to one's who suffer with these diseases will be with compassion and help.
*Personally, for Pastor Brad for help to get the care he needs. Most integrative care is out of pocket and cost hundreds to thousands of dollars. Pastor Brad is in a wheel chair and cannot work; yet he pastors a small church faithfully. He also has a family to care for.
GOFUNDME - Rev. Brad Snowden's Treatments
"Pastor Brad Snowden, is a father, husband and a Pastor for 23 years. For several years he supplemented his income by owning his own roofing and carpentry business.
Then sickness infiltrated his body, driving him to a place of ..."  CLICK LINK

Wednesday, April 22, 2015


                                                                                                                         copyright(c)April2015Daneille Gray Snowden
                                                                                                                 All Rights Reserved
If you ask a Chronic Lyme's Patient to give ONE word that can explain how they feel, I guarantee you the word would be MESMERIZED! They are left 'stupefied' when told that after many tests being run, "We see nothing wrong with you." The Lyme Patient feels 'controlled' and as well as 'deadened' by the aches, pains, and nerve damage left with being handicapped on a daily basis.
You will see, in this blog and in the internet, thousands of testimonies of hurting individuals all who have seen specialists, undergone thousands of dollars of tests, and told they must have a psychological issue. I remember when our 'saga' began, the doctor prescribed nerve pills for my husband (who is the most 'laid-back-even-tempered' person I know). Basically telling him he was having some type of break down.  MESMERIZED!
Some days, patients find themselves seemingly grasping ahold of the pain, and trying to just move forward with their lives. Yet, what happens is that because there is so much pain; they get tired quickly. The more tired they become, the more frustrated they are not able to accomplish not only what they use to be able to do, but NEED to get done NOW. Mother's with young children who need them, fathers who are the main bread winner for their families and children, who miss school and cannot play like other children. This leaves them all mesmerized!
Understanding the emotional factor of Chronic Lyme's (with the co-diseases); is essential to be able to first; pray as well as be a support system for them. You see; the patient feels beat down, be-littled, forgotten, ignored and condescended...after facing doctor after doctor telling them there is nothing they can see why they are hurting.
Eventually, time goes by and they find they have aged quickly (as well as their care givers). That all of sudden there is nerve damage that cannot ever be fixed (due to the Lyme). They are being pushed in a wheel chair, not being able to accomplish some of the simplest of tasks. Still, the government turns their heads as well as insurance companies. MESMERIZED!
In our particular story, there are days like that! For sure, there are long nights and exhausting days. BUT...without God we could not go forward. By spending quality time with Him in the Word of God, Waiting in His Presence and truly worshipping at His feet; that is the fire that ignites continuous passion for life. Joy is instilled and HOPE that comes simply by KNOWING HIM!
We cast our cares on Him, for we have found He truly cares! If we decide to live MESMERIZED, then we live with great anger, hopelessness, loneliness, and frustration. We have decided NO MORE. Doing so, and living IN CHRIST, changing our out-look on life, thus continually retaining GREAT STRENGTH through it all!
May all fellow 'LYMIES' find that Jesus will be their injection of great joy, peace and strength! And you will no longer need to feel; 'MESMERIZED'!

 Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you. I Peter 5:7